WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical. DUE TO FEDERAL REGULATIONS, WE NO LONGER SHIP PRODUCTS. ONLINE ORDERING IS DISABLED
If you've been using an electronic cigarette for any amount of time, you've realized that there's a dizzying variety of e-liquid flavorings out there. I've seen everything from blueberry to bacon. (I may get the nerve to try the bacon flavor one day, but that day is not today) The search for the best e-liquid flavoring can be an exciting yet overwhelming process. I'm sure you've asked yourself, "What makes one e-liquid flavoring better than another?" At Blackhat Electronic Cigarettes, we've done extensive research for the highest quality ingredients available and saved you the trouble.
Blackhat e-liquid. Great quality, great price.
Our e-liquid flavoring is proudly made in the USA at in a pharmaceutical grade, FDA approved lab. (No basement brews here!) The base ingredients are also USP grade. Some other e-liquid flavorings are also used in the food industry. The result is that those e-liquid flavorings may not vaporize well, break down in higher temperatures, and oxidize easily in the presence of nicotine. At Blackhat, our e-liquid flavorings are created specifically for use in e-liquid. Extensive research is conducted on each individual flavor to ensure that none of the ingredients are unfit for inhalation. So as new information becomes available, the selection of e-liquid flavoring may shift accordingly. The lab stands behind its product 100%, and accepts all legal responsibility in the event of any legal action going down. Did I mention our e-liquid flavoring is Kosher? L'chaim! Blackhat E- Cigarettes has scoured the spectrum of e-liquid flavorings. Our Mobster line of e-liquid flavoring is by far the most expensive we've found. Price doesn't always equal quality, but in this case, we're betting our black hats (I couldn't resist) that it does! Our e-liquid flavoring vendor ensures the safety of our customers which is our top priority. So take comfort, fellow vapers, and puff with confidence knowing that Blackhat Electronic Cigarettes has your back!
Hello, Blackhat fam! We decided that you might want to know a little about the awesome men and women that make this company work. An EXTREMELY clever member of the Blackhat team came up with some questions to dive into each employee's mind and tell you a bit about them. We started with Glen, the man who started it all.
Hello vapers! We'd like to offer you the opportunity to help someone and get some cool vape gear in the process. Blackhat has chosen to give to a fundraiser benefitting Richard Wodrick for a lung transplant. The prize package includes an eLeaf iStick PICO with the new Theorem tank from Wismec, an EFEST 3000mah battery, and one bottle each of Goat's Milk and Blackhat Select: Lemonfinger liquids.
Blackhat would like to address the state of the Vape Union, and the union is strong. More than 9 million adults vape in the U.S. alone! So where does that leave us today with the development of vaping technology, newcomers to the technology, and the people already using electronic cigarettes?