WARNING: This product contains nicotine.
Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

The Anyvape Peakomizer is here and it’s amazing!

July 23, 2014

The Anyvape Peakomizer has landed at Blackhat!

The name says it all. The Peakomizer truly is the peak of bottom coil technology. With the ability to use not only most BDC’s (bottom dual coils), but also a wide range of single coils including the Smok tech and Kanger tech coils. This clearomizer is truly revolutionary! 

Anyvape PeakomizerIn my personal use of the Peakomizer, I have found every feature it has to be both effective and user friendly. The turn based adjustable air flow function spans 4 different levels, and there is a 5th level used primarily for filling to prevent leaks. For those of you who are fans of the old top filling clearomizers, it is designed for top filing. I have used both kanger and smok tech bottom single coils, and the aspire and kanger tech dual coils. This ability is due to the fact that the center tubing is held in place with a spring that allows it to adjust to almost any coil height with no leaking.

Anyvape PeakomizerThe pyrex glass in the Peakomizer is still the same size as the pyrex glass as used in the Anyvape Davide. So for those of you that have any Davide glass lying around never fear! Your glass is still good for use. Those who like to customize your vapes will be happy to hear that the Peakomizers drip tip is replaceable. We have a variety colored pyrex glass pieces for it also. The 510 connection will fit into most batteries/mods, and for my fellow Itaste VTR owners it fits rather nicely in the side 510 connection. I have longed for some time now for a proper pyrex adjustable air flow clearomizer, and I must say the Peakomizer has certainly exceeded my expectations.

As someone who owns a Aspire Nautilus, I find the Peakomizer to be the superior all day vape. The air flow ranges from a little less than standard pull rate, to a full lung hitter if that’s what you look for in your clearomizer. It has much to offer any vaper, and you won’t be restricted to using just one type of coil. So go ahead and get yours today! I assure you it will leave you speechless. You can get more info from our breakdown video:

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